Kim Simonsen boðin við til StAnza Poetry Festival

Mynd: Mentanargrunnur Studentafelagsins

Kim Simonsen er boðin við til StAnza Poetry Festival, ið er í St. Andrews í Skotlandi í døgunum 4. til 8.mars. Hetta er ein av teimum størstu poesifestivalunum í heiminum. Kim Simonsen fer at lesa úr bókini Hvat hjálpir einum menniskja at vakna ein morgun hesumegin hetta áratúsund, sum fekk M.A.Jacobsens virðislønina og úr síni komandi bók, sum eitur Desemburmorgun. Hetta er ein margmiðlabók við myndatilfari hjá Jóhan Martini Christiansen. Randi Ward hevur týtt yrkingarnar til enskt. Hon hevur somuleiðis týtt yrkingarnar hjá Kim Simonsen, sum eru í tíðarritinum Mantis, sum kemur út á Stanford University í apríl í ár. Har er ein temagrein um Kim Simonsen og hansara yrkingar í tíðarritinum umframt eitt viðtal við yrkjaran. Randi Ward hevur skrivað greinina um Kim Simonsen. Eisini er ein presentatión av myndum hjá Jóhan Martin Christiansen, eg seti onkur dømi inn her og ynski yrkingum og yrkjara, myndum og týðingum góða ferð.


Pressuskriv frá StAnza:

A celebration of poetry in all its forms


Prize winning poet from Faroe Islands to take part in StAnza, Scotland’s International Poetry Festival 

Prize winning poet Kim Simonsen from the Faroe Islands will be among the big names from the literary world performing at StAnza, Scotland’s International Poetry Festival in March.

Kim Simonsen is a poet and essayist and has a PhD in literature. Born in 1970 in the Faroe Islands, he has lived most of his life in Copenhagen and he currently works at the University of Amsterdam. He has written five books. In 2014 he received the Faroese Literary Award for the book of poetry Hvat hjálpir einum menniskja at vakna ein morgun hesumegin hetta áratúsundi (What does it help a human being to awaken a morning in this millennium). He is widely translated into languages such as Dutch, English, Swedish, Macedonian, Russian and Portuguese, and his poems have been published in magazines and anthologies in many countries.

StAnza takes place in St Andrews, Scotland and lasts for five days from 4th to 8th March, featuring almost 100 events. The festival traditionally focuses on two themes which interweave together to give each festival its own unique flavour. For 2015, StAnza has embraced one of its themes, An Archipelago of Poetry, in bringing together a number of poets with island connections. The line-up features poets with obvious island connections and some with less obvious connections and showcases artists from a host of countries including New Zealand, Jamaica, Sweden, Sardinia, Mallorca, Denmark and not forgetting of course the Faroe Islands.

Festival Director Eleanor Livingstone said: "StAnza is a celebration of the written word in all its forms and really does have something for all tastes and every interest. As well as celebrating Scottish poetry, we are delighted to bring to St Andrews and to Scotland, exciting voices from the Faroe Islands and elsewhere around the world, particularly this year when we explore Island connections though our theme, An Archipelago of Poetry.”